Spring Wedding Splendor: Embrace the Season of Renewal

Spring Wedding

A Spring Wedding is Lovely and Saves Money, Too!

Ah, Spring! After the doldrums of Winter, the freshness of Spring rejuvenates us all. It is a time of rebirth, of renewal, and while it isn’t the most popular time of year to get married, there are several
reasons to choose this season for your wedding.

Spring Wedding

First and foremost…Spring is the season of awakening. Our senses are awakened by the lush spring foliage, the growth of flowers and bulbs peeking up after nothing but brown and gray all winter…The beauty of Spring is everywhere, and what better way to celebrate it than to have your wedding during this time of blooming growing…your love will flourish just like the spring flowers! Another reason to get married in spring is that you can save a lot of money. Most venues have lighter bookings in spring and often offer a discount, or you could get that “hard-to-book” venue in the off-season when you wouldn’t have a chance in June. You can also save money on favors, flowers, and food, just by having your wedding in spring. Even photographers aren’t as busy, as wedding season is still a few months off.

Color Choice

Springtime evokes the thought of pastel colors. You don’t want to have a deep burgundy for your wedding color in the springtime. Think along the lines of soft pink and seafoam green, or daffodil yellow and lavender. Any color can be used if you soften it to the pastel.

Do Me a Favor

Wedding Favors for a spring wedding can be anything from a flowerpot and seeds to pastel Jordan almonds, tiny Easter baskets with little “eggs” of candy (or those Jordan almonds!), or even a potted bulb in bloom. One couple I knew who married in spring gave away tiny jars of honey with monogrammed labels.

Flowers, Flowers, Everywhere!

Spring flowers include daffodils, tulips, irises, hyacinths, and many more. Incorporating these into your decor carries the springtime theme throughout your wedding and reception You can easily save hundreds of dollars by making and tying your bouquets for the bride, bridesmaids, and centerpieces. Spring bulbs are peeking up everywhere, and you have but to pluck them up to take advantage of these! Try tying a simple ribbon around as many stems as you like, rather than paying $100 and up for a bridal bouquet.

You can be married outside and be surrounded by blooms, as well. There are many, many places where thousands upon thousands of daffodils have naturalized over the years. Get permission to be wed in one of these places, and pay nothing for decoration, just thank Mother Nature. Do have a backup plan in case spring showers arrive uninvited.

Light Fare

A springtime wedding calls for a lighter type of meal. This is a plus for many couples who are trying to save money on the cost of food for the wedding. An offering of spring rolls (what else?) wrapped to show off the selection of delicious spring veggies inside is perfect for both your theme and your pocketbook.

Getting married any time of year can be stressful, but if you use these ideas and tips, you can be on your way to a beautiful spring wedding and still have money left over for that honeymoon you are planning!